Working with Google Earth and the RADWIN OLBC
You can use the Google Earth program to “tour” a proposed link site, fix its precise coordinates and copy/paste them to the RADWIN OLBC. Here is how it is done:
To Use Google Earth to set RADWIN OLBC coordinates:
1. Open Google Earth.
2. Click the drawing pin button:
You are offered the following window:
Figure C-1: Google Earth showing Site A details
3. Enter details for one of the link sites as shown. You may also set additional properties using the tabs but they will not be imported to the plug-in display.
4. Enter details for the second site. For example:
Figure C-2: Site B details
5. Click OK. You should see your two sites in the Google Places panel:
6. Open Site A: Right click it and then click Properties. You will be shown the Properties window of Figure C-1.
7. Open the RADWIN Online Link Budget Calculator as described in Chapter 2, enter required radio details and open the coordinates window:
Figure C-3: RADWIN OLBC - Empty coordinates window
8. Copy / Paste the Site A latitude and longitude (and the Name if you wish) to the Site A area of Figure C-3.
9. Repeat the previous step for Site B.
10. Proceed as in Chapter 2 or Chapter 4.